Flowing Flowers Share it Sunday Blog Hop

Hello, thank you for visiting! I’m joining the Crafty Collaborations Share it Sunday monthly bloghop. This is a chance to share whatever you want and anything goes!

We will be saying goodbye to the Flowing Flowers stamp set at the end of June and I wanted to ink it up in the new in colours. Loving the pops of colour! The card is finished off with a die cut in Starry Sky from the Painted Labels die set and in white using the circle from the Give it a Whirl die set.

Thank you for visiting and check out all of the designs in this blog hop using the links below. Lisa 🙂

Check out the new tutorial bundle available in my shop and free for team members and customers!

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  1. This is Gorgeous Liza, That stamp set along with the in colour s make such a bright bold background xx

  2. I love that set too, you used it to make a beautiful card! Love how it looks in the In Colors

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